Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Shopping spree!! (not as fun as it sounds)


Yup...time is moving that fast. Is it the end of May yet?

Mr. Stanley has his countdown...I have mine.

 Still, while the time is dragging, I know that if I don't start preparing, it'll sneak up on me and I won't be ready. I've started stockpiling vitamins and supplements when I catch them on sale. Gummy multivitamins, iron, Biotin, name it. Between the coupons and sales, I've done pretty well.
 I have to get into the habit of drinking lots of water, so I've also been looking for water bottles. I try to be environmentally conscientious, so I've been wanting to get glass water bottles. Because they're glass, they're not made with the chemicals that are in plastic, so you don't have to worry about BPA, and I think that the plastic ones make the water taste odd after a few washes. The problem is, the glass ones are so expensive! They run $25 and up. While walking around Meijer today, digging through the clearance aisles....tah-dah! CamelBak glass water bottles on clearance!

I know....I'm a klutz and carrying a glass bottle? These come with a silicon bumper sleeve that, according to the reviews I've read, do a great job of protecting them. I'm tempted to go back and get a few more so I can recycle all of my plastic bottles!

I also thought ahead about vacation: we're going to Florida while I'm off of work for surgery. I'd hate to buy cases of bottles water to take with us, and I'd hate to lug around a Brita pitcher just so I can filter my water. Meijer also has their Bobble bottles clearanced for $10. Bobble bottles are the ones that have a filter inside of them so that the water is filtered as you drink. Perfect for traveling!

Now for the protein: I've read so many nutrition labels, it makes my head hurt. My nutritionist recommends the powder they sell there, but it's marked up considerably. Plus, it only has 26 grams of protein per serving, and I KNOW I can find a higher protein content elsewhere. After reading multiple lables, I've decided on the Isopure Zero Carb line from Natures Best. It has 50 grams of protein per serving and lots of vitamins and nutrients. tastes horrible. I ordered it from Amazon in the vanilla and unflavored. I learned about a trick of adding sugar-free pudding mix to shakes to change up the flavor and I buy Torani sugar-free syrups, so I'm hoping to make them palatable. 
I think I've stocked up on most everything I'll need. My last appointment with my doctor and my nutritionist is on the 27th- I'm hoping to get an official surgery date. Until then.....


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