Thursday, April 2, 2015

What do you know....I am mentally competent!

For those of you've who've known me for more than....20 minutes, you know I'm a bit out there. Goofy. Odd. Wacky. Inappropriate.
And this suits me just fine.

I was a bit nervous about my psychological evaluation today; mainly because I didn't know what to expect. 
It started with an interview with the doctor- where did I grow up? How would I describe my childhood? Any siblings? How long have I been married? Highest education level? Highest adult weight? Any traumatic experiences due to my weight? What do I hope to achieve with surgery? Am I a crash/yo-yo dieter? Am I physically active? Etc...

Then I had a 20 question test, circling the statements that best described me:
I feel ashamed of my weight an never go out because of it.
I feel like others judge me because of my weight.
I feel comfortable in public. 
I can't control my eating.
I'm constantly thinking about food.
I binge eat and feel guilty after.

Things like that. Then a 165-question scantron test (sweet jesus, my hand hurts) that consisted of true or false questions like:
I have high anxiety about my medical problems.
I feel like no one cares about me.
I feel that because of God, nothing bad will happen to me.
I like detailed information about my medical problems.

I think they're trying to pick up on any depression, anxiety, hypochondriacs, or substance abuse issues. 

After my initial interview, she gave me the green light and said she had no concerns about my goals or expectations. 
All that's left is my last appointment on the 27th with my nut and my doctor and then it's all up to Cigna to give me an approval. At my last appointment, I was given the time frame of the last two weeks of May....fingers crossed!


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